What is 417774 in base ten converted to base twenty-six; letters replacing numbers?
Aria Opera ~ To convert the number 417774 in base ten to base twenty-six where letters replace numbers, you would represent it as follows: 417774 in base ten is equivalent to PLUTO in base twenty-six, where each letter represents a digit in the base system (A=0, B=1, ..., Z=25).
Brave Leo ~ CAE, then major malfunctions.
ChatGPT ~ To convert the number 417774 from base ten to base twenty-six with letters replacing numbers, you'd start by dividing the number repeatedly by 26 and noting the remainders. Then, you'd represent those remainders with letters corresponding to their positions in the alphabet. Let me calculate that for you.
Then no calculation ensued.
Stuff Artificial Intelligence gets wrong
Stuff Artificial Intelligence gets wrong
If clicking the arrow in the quote block doesn't work there should be a link that does. . . . * . . . . . . . . **
263 x 23 + 262 x 20 + 261 x 6 is the formulation from base 10.
Aria assumed A = 0, when A = 1 was expected. Try again.
Leo ~ 417774 in base ten is equivalent to QZABC in base twenty-six when A = 1. This is calculated by repeatedly dividing the number by 26 and noting the remainders, then replacing the remainders with corresponding letters.
What is 417774 in base ten converted to base twenty-six; letters replacing numbers, with A equivalent to 1?
Aria ~ To convert the number 417774 in base ten to base twenty-six where letters replace numbers with A equivalent to 1, you would represent it as follows: 417774 in base ten is equivalent to OLUTO in base twenty-six, where each letter represents a digit in the base system (A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26).
What is 417774 in base ten converted to base twenty-six; letters replacing numbers, with A equivalent to 1?
Aria ~ To convert the number 417774 in base ten to base twenty-six where letters replace numbers with A equivalent to 1, you would represent it as follows: 417774 in base ten is equivalent to OLUTO in base twenty-six, where each letter represents a digit in the base system (A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26).
If clicking the arrow in the quote block doesn't work there should be a link that does. . . . * . . . . . . . . **
Updated question and followed up with “calculate away”.
ChatGPT ~ Here's the calculation:
417774 divided by 26 equals 16068 remainder 6.
16068 divided by 26 equals 618 remainder 0.
618 divided by 26 equals 23 remainder 20.
23 divided by 26 equals 0 remainder 23.
So, in base twenty-six with A equivalent to 1, the representation of 417774 is "TAXAG6".
— Related post: https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2862761
ChatGPT ~ Here's the calculation:
417774 divided by 26 equals 16068 remainder 6.
16068 divided by 26 equals 618 remainder 0.
618 divided by 26 equals 23 remainder 20.
23 divided by 26 equals 0 remainder 23.
So, in base twenty-six with A equivalent to 1, the representation of 417774 is "TAXAG6".
— Related post: https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2862761
If clicking the arrow in the quote block doesn't work there should be a link that does. . . . * . . . . . . . . **
What is 2801 in hexadecimal?
Aria ~ To convert the decimal number 2801 to hexadecimal, you simply divide the number by 16 repeatedly and record the remainders in reverse order.
2801 in hexadecimal is AF1.
Lamba 13B Leo got it right too, but non-meta Leo was all wrong (change in settings).
Aria ~ To convert the decimal number 2801 to hexadecimal, you simply divide the number by 16 repeatedly and record the remainders in reverse order.
2801 in hexadecimal is AF1.
Lamba 13B Leo got it right too, but non-meta Leo was all wrong (change in settings).