True Order of Prayer — a Few Thoughts got me looking for stuff The Wicker Man posted.
When I searched his posts for "Celebrate" the following popped up:
Turns out it's one of his threads, and absolutely worthy of a pretty link that highlights said keyword.Jesus, not Michael was Adam wrote:
The Spirit gave me the absolute knowing back in the 1990's sometime, that 'just before war starts with China that the Chinese will ship pathogen laced (in the papers) fireworks to the USA that will devastate this country and disable our military especially the Navy'. Just a few days ago I received that the pathogen will be the flesh eating bacteria that caused purple infections in the middle east recently. Given the situation with Trump vs China at this time I'm a little worried for this 4th of July. But I do not know for sure it is this 4th of July. I already know that no one will pay this any heed. So just go out and celebrate the 4th as always!
Hopefully it's not this year, as me Purple Circle Project has yet to get underway.
What are we to make of Celebrating and the Fourth of July.