The March 18 Miracles involving Moroni and Mirjani at Medjugorje
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:16 am
March 18, 2020 - The End of Mirjana's Monthly Apparitions
March 18, 2020 - The End of Mirjana's Monthly Apparitions
Stella Mar wrote:112,885 views 18 Mar 2020
During Mirjana's March 18th annual apparition, which she will have for the rest of her life, Our Lady informed her that She will no longer appear to her on the 2nd of the month.
Mirjana had the apparition privately in her home as requested by the local government due to restrictions on large gatherings during the coronavirus outbreak
Googling March 8 Miracle will find the Moroni connection with an amazing timing pattern that spelled CRIST on March 18, 2020. The stuff above also connects on the same day as the 5.7 magnitude earthquake. Perhaps need to consider the dateline, and seek inspiration to unravel any mystery worthy of investigation. wrote:
Words that a Friend of Medjugorje had recently said, regarding the growing darkness encompassing our world and the storms we were heading into were give “real life” as we lived through this storm just as Our Lady was appearing in Medjugorje to Mirjana. There were so many different insights Our Lady gave through a Friend of Medjugorje’s words, the events leading up to Our Lady’s apparition, and then Our Lady’s own words on March 18, 2022, that the story was told in a post on that you can read here.