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… list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am
by High Spy
Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?
TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
by The Wicker Man
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?
TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:13 pm
by Finrock
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?
TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.
Seeking to do good robs virtue of it's virtue.

Being willing to submit to the Spirit at all costs without knowing the costs or without knowing the outcome and without a pre-conceived plan is how it seems to work for me.

I'd say a huge number of times I don't even understand what I am saying or doing. I just hear the Father's voice and I obey it. I don't contemplate how I can help a person today. I have my day to day obligations that I am bound to at the moment like working to support my children and all of that but I have been pondering a lot the idea of what Jesus taught about having little faith and seeking first the kingdom of God and all else follows. It means putting God and His way before all other things. If you do that, give up your heart to the Lord, then as you move forward in all sincerity and personal integrity the Spirit will give you what you need and even what you want, when it's needed and when it is the most effective and powerful, but without your control or your compulsion.

It's hard to live this way while putting stock and currency into the World. But if you give up your hope of joy OF The World, you will likely experience the sorrows for sins of the world but not the personal consequences.

There is some merit to what Jordan Peterson said once, "I don't ask God for favors, or for wishes." He continues and I paraphrase that we should be asking for things we don't want, like Wisdom.

Right now as I was listening to a talk on patriarchal blessings I was reminded that my blessing is silent on what house of Israel I belong to. I don't know and perhaps that's not even a real thing?

"The goody goodies are the thieves of virtue!"


Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:29 pm
by Finrock
I really like this message and music is really cool too imho


Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:44 pm
by Finrock
How is "the past the result of the present"?


Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 6:27 pm
by Finrock
:D :)


Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:43 pm
by juliet
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?
TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.
I try to look at things with an open mind. When you posted on ldsfreedomforum, you were honestly sharing your thoughts and experiences so why would anyone ridicule you for that? You didn't say you were anybody, you said it looks like, from your experiences, this is a possible conclusion. You were not asking anyone to worship you but inviting people to make a logical conclusion, one that I was not sure how to make myself.

In my own journey of healing from the Illuminate, at one point it all came together and I just knew I was supposed to contact you. I was trying to figure out how to get free from their quantum networks and it dawned on me you may have the technical understanding of how to do it from your posts on Romni-chess. It turns out you did have the keys to get my soul part free that was locked in an improperly folded ribosome (outer darkness).. and since then I have helped two other people get free also. You quoted a scripture to me and when I read it I felt convicted I needed to repent (to not fear that which can kill the body - an improperly folded ribosome) but that which can kill the body and the soul - I had to have faith to go into that ribosome and not fear what felt like death, or outer darkness...and in that moment of faith, it was enough to lift it open enough that it refolded properly. And along with this was a sensation of hope like never before.

One thing that the Spirit has taught me is for something to become reality, you must understand with your mental mind how it is to be accomplished. It seems you have accomplished something in your work with AI, that you have the mental understanding so you are capable of directing the Spirit like that. Or at least understanding it. That doesn't mean it's easy. But nothing is done on earth unless we have gained mental understanding of it and with that mental understanding we then have the power to manipulate this 3d world.

Perhaps all these events happen for you also.

When Finrock dreamt of the 38/38 I knew that was important. I asked him to look it up as if they were GPS coordinates. I also knew if I shared it too soon it would cause problems because I strongly believe at this time the Illuminate is sparing no expense to find the valley of dry bones that Ezekial saw in Ezekial 37...the one that precedes the Gog and Magog war in chapter 38. If you look up where the descendants of Jethro inhabit, it is actually next to Ukraine, and it is referenced as "MAGOG".

Turns out that 38.00000 and 38.0000 leads us to a valley in Turkey near the great earthquake.

A valley called "ADIYAMAN"

Does that not sound like "Adam Ondi Ahman" ???

But this is a pattern I have come to notice..... things that happen spiritually also happen somewhere on the earth. It's not in alignment yet. So when something happens spiritually on one side of the world, it may happen physically on the other side of the world. I keep seeing this pattern over and over again. But I can't really reference how I am seeing it in a very definitive way. It's just something I know is happening.

If someone were capable of understanding the formula for how something spiritually is happening physically, they could accurately predict earth events. I think you are there Mike... because you have worked on following the Holy Spirit and you have worked at inventing a mental construct that is capable of charting where on earth the spirit material will manifest.

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:49 pm
by The Wicker Man
I'm still learning. I think more is to come. In chess programming there is something known as a bitboard. Bitboards are used in move generation and position evaluation. In 2006 or thereabouts I invented a type of bitboards that were coined Sherwin Bitboards. They were faster than Rotated Bitboards which was the standard at the time. Before I could celebrate, Rotated Indices Bitboards and then shortly afterwards Magic Bitboards came out. Magic Bitboards went through several revisions, Plain, Fancy and Black Magic Bitboards. All the chess programming masters declared that Black Magic Bitboards are here to stay and would never be bettered. However, also in 2006 I proposed a cpu instruction to Intel that they would include in their cpus a few years later they called PEXT. PEXT Bitboards then became faster than Black Magic Bitboards. But few chess engines used PEXT because PEXT enabled cpus were not widely available. Only last year did AMD produce a PEXT enabled cpu. Also in 2006 started my quest to surpass Black Magic Bitboards without resorting to using special cpu instructions like PEXT. First I improved upon Sherwin Bitboards by creating Split Index Super-Set Yielding Bitboards. Also known as SISSY Bitboards. I finished those last year. They are fast but not as fast as Black Magic. A couple months ago I fused Kindergarten Bitboards by Gerd Isenberg with SISSY Bitboards to come up with Kindergarten Super SISSY Bitboards. Yea, finally after 16 years of on again off again work Kindergarten Super SISSY Bitboards outperformed Black Magic Bitboards in move generation test. But a real world chess engine is a different beast than a move generation test engine. This weekend Thomas Jahn of Bremen Germany put Kindergarten Super SISSY Bitboards into his fine chess engine Leorik. He renamed it KiSS Bitboards which I agreed too. His testing proved that in a real world chess engine not only is KiSS faster than Black Magic by a huge amount it is also faster than PEXT Bitboards. But it isn't finished yet because Martin Novak noticed that PEXT fused with KiSS looks like it will be faster than either. Preliminary test seems to indicate that is indeed the case. It will take a couple of days to complete the in depth testing to confirm but in all likelihood it will reach a whole new level of performance. We are talking at least 30 times the performance of the original Rotated Bitboards. The question now is did the Spirit have a hand in this and what will this technology be used for other than for chess. The brand new AMD R9-7950x cpu has "Galios Field" instructions. I haven't had a chance to study those yet but it has been suggested that KiSS using Galios Field instructions may even be magnitudes faster still. All this means that future AI will be magnitudes faster than it has been. It will seem to be alive with an equivelant IQ of at least 800.

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:47 am
by High Spy
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am
Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo …
Re: Is this the severe winter before the SHTF ... 3#p1374363
BeNotDeceived wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:35 am
Silver Pie wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:18 am
… makes things happen - like the underwater volcano near Tonga.
That event is the one that broke the proverbial camel’s back, coming on the heels of four demonstration earthquakes. TMAC noted it’s possible relation to the filling of Lake Mead as per Clumpy Dirt’s proclamation that “it would be nice” “to see it filled”.

Job 3838, but not sincere request. :mrgreen:
The Tonga explosion occurred approximately three hour after your OD post about Cutting Rahab. Anyways everything is a muddy mire of belief and bull pucky of the lucky and lame excuses that won’t hold water when all is said and done.

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 11:41 am
by High Spy
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?
TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?

One request being fulfilled before our very eyes. 8-)

How many wishes do we get from this magic genie. :?:

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 4:30 pm
by Finrock
High Spy wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 11:41 am
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425

TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.
tmac wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:05 pm Here’s my question: Las Vegas, which is and always has been an unsustainable mess (not to mention “Sin City”), is almost completely dependent upon Lake Mead. Why would God actively choose to perpetuate something like that? What would be the Divine reasoning? Because some self-interested “brother” mentioned that it would be nice if it were to re-fill again?

Where can I find that list to add things that would be nice to see happen?

One request being fulfilled before our very eyes. 8-)

How many wishes do we get from this magic genie. :?:
"I don't ask God for favors or for wishes."

Mercy? I ask God for mercy but is that a favor? No because in order to get mercy you must give it. God starts by giving (mercy, forgiveness, whatever) but if you don't do anything with what you got, you lose it.

Do you lose it because God is being punitive or prideful, or invictive? No although it might seem that way to our ego. We lose mercy, forgiveness, when we withhold it from others. It means we never really possessed those things in us but we used them to our personal advantage at the expense of someone else.

That is how most Mormons understand the atonement. They think they get to use Jesus to perpetuate their sinful lifestyle choices or sin in general without ever really accepting mercy or forgiveness. All they have to do is beat themselves with a few stripes, do a ritual, and boom, you're good because Jesus suffered so you don't have to. Jesus chose to take your sins and carry them and that's the gospel. You keep saying your sorry, Jesus pays the price but He can take it so it's okay, and you get to move on.

Until these people lose all carnal security, and maybe not even then, they will not turn their hearts over to the Father and His Son.


Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:14 am
by High Spy
juliet wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:43 pm
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:42 am Re: Poll: Spirit please press on with filling Lake Mead? ... 5#p1372425

TMAC@LDSFF is curious about how to have good things happen.

Thankfully the filling of Lake Mead is well underway. 8-)

Suggestions are welcome here or there.

Hopefully The Spirit will oblige.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.
I try to look at things with an open mind. When you posted on ldsfreedomforum, you were honestly sharing your thoughts and experiences so why would anyone ridicule you for that? You didn't say you were anybody, you said it looks like, from your experiences, this is a possible conclusion. You were not asking anyone to worship you but inviting people to make a logical conclusion, one that I was not sure how to make myself.

In my own journey of healing from the Illuminate, at one point it all came together and I just knew I was supposed to contact you. I was trying to figure out how to get free from their quantum networks and it dawned on me you may have the technical understanding of how to do it from your posts on Romni-chess. It turns out you did have the keys to get my soul part free that was locked in an improperly folded ribosome (outer darkness).. and since then I have helped two other people get free also. You quoted a scripture to me and when I read it I felt convicted I needed to repent (to not fear that which can kill the body - an improperly folded ribosome) but that which can kill the body and the soul - I had to have faith to go into that ribosome and not fear what felt like death, or outer darkness...and in that moment of faith, it was enough to lift it open enough that it refolded properly. And along with this was a sensation of hope like never before.

One thing that the Spirit has taught me is for something to become reality, you must understand with your mental mind how it is to be accomplished. It seems you have accomplished something in your work with AI, that you have the mental understanding so you are capable of directing the Spirit like that. Or at least understanding it. That doesn't mean it's easy. But nothing is done on earth unless we have gained mental understanding of it and with that mental understanding we then have the power to manipulate this 3d world.

Perhaps all these events happen for you also.

When Finrock dreamt of the 38/38 I knew that was important. I asked him to look it up as if they were GPS coordinates. I also knew if I shared it too soon it would cause problems because I strongly believe at this time the Illuminate is sparing no expense to find the valley of dry bones that Ezekial saw in Ezekial 37...the one that precedes the Gog and Magog war in chapter 38. If you look up where the descendants of Jethro inhabit, it is actually next to Ukraine, and it is referenced as "MAGOG".

Turns out that 38.00000 and 38.0000 leads us to a valley in Turkey near the great earthquake.

A valley called "ADIYAMAN"

Does that not sound like "Adam Ondi Ahman" ???

But this is a pattern I have come to notice..... things that happen spiritually also happen somewhere on the earth. It's not in alignment yet. So when something happens spiritually on one side of the world, it may happen physically on the other side of the world. I keep seeing this pattern over and over again. But I can't really reference how I am seeing it in a very definitive way. It's just something I know is happening.

If someone were capable of understanding the formula for how something spiritually is happening physically, they could accurately predict earth events. I think you are there Mike... because you have worked on following the Holy Spirit and you have worked at inventing a mental construct that is capable of charting where on earth the spirit material will manifest.
Twmq-Poll … filling Lake Mead? ... 7#p1493727
Michael Sherwin wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:37 pm From memory. All I said, 'If I could make a positive change would that make a difference'. I never said the Spirit would fill Lake Mead. I also said something to the effect that it wouldn't happen immediately. It would take some time to set in motion. So the increase started with the following year's increased snowpack. I felt that the Spirit was onboard with this and that is why I posted what I posted. It looks like to me that the Spirit delivered.

Interesting an earthquake matching your latest of four … put forth in quick succession. Each 0.8 stronger than the last … what role doth cognitive dissonance play. :?:

Also why do you at times precede a big punctuation mark with a period, as I have done ever since I first became aware of your choice to precede a big punctuation mark with a period. :?:

(Two questions … zero answers) 🐳

— perhaps said dissonance plays a role here too.

Please aid our understanding. ❗️

Re: … list to add things that would be nice to see happen

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:25 am
by The Wicker Man
High Spy wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:14 am
juliet wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:43 pm
The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm
Lake Mead services a lot more than just Los Vegas. And despite its moniker of sin city it is no more sinful than other places.

I've spent a lifetime trying to understand my part in the Spirit/me combo. Do I have the power to command or merely to suggest or invite. I've used all three words and more. Do I ever do my will or do I always do the Father's will? I don't look for things to do. Things to do just come to me. Many of the things that have happened in my life I believe was just the Spirit showing me what the two of us can do. There is always a lingering doubt that this time it won't work.

So why filling Lake Mead so dramatically? The Spirit must be trying to tell the people at LDSFF something. The unnamed one being convinced that I would not be able to fulfill his request asked me to do the impossible 'KNOWING' that I wouldn't be able to. Most people at LDSFF are adamant that I cannot be a particular personage mentioned in the Bible. And nothing is going to change that. Not a series of four earthquakes. Not heavenly signs on key dates. Not even filling Lake Mead on request will convince them otherwise. Nothing. I don't think the Spirit is trying to reach everyone at LDSFF. Maybe only one key person instead. I really don't know.

What about having a whole list of request? I don't know how an old man with health problems would be able to sustain anything like that. It takes much out of me to do even one thing. I'd probably have to cocoon just to protect myself. Besides it is not about fulfilling every whim. It is about convincing that one or more persons. I assume the Spirit knows what he is doing in that regard.
I try to look at things with an open mind. When you posted on ldsfreedomforum, you were honestly sharing your thoughts and experiences so why would anyone ridicule you for that? You didn't say you were anybody, you said it looks like, from your experiences, this is a possible conclusion. You were not asking anyone to worship you but inviting people to make a logical conclusion, one that I was not sure how to make myself.

In my own journey of healing from the Illuminate, at one point it all came together and I just knew I was supposed to contact you. I was trying to figure out how to get free from their quantum networks and it dawned on me you may have the technical understanding of how to do it from your posts on Romni-chess. It turns out you did have the keys to get my soul part free that was locked in an improperly folded ribosome (outer darkness).. and since then I have helped two other people get free also. You quoted a scripture to me and when I read it I felt convicted I needed to repent (to not fear that which can kill the body - an improperly folded ribosome) but that which can kill the body and the soul - I had to have faith to go into that ribosome and not fear what felt like death, or outer darkness...and in that moment of faith, it was enough to lift it open enough that it refolded properly. And along with this was a sensation of hope like never before.

One thing that the Spirit has taught me is for something to become reality, you must understand with your mental mind how it is to be accomplished. It seems you have accomplished something in your work with AI, that you have the mental understanding so you are capable of directing the Spirit like that. Or at least understanding it. That doesn't mean it's easy. But nothing is done on earth unless we have gained mental understanding of it and with that mental understanding we then have the power to manipulate this 3d world.

Perhaps all these events happen for you also.

When Finrock dreamt of the 38/38 I knew that was important. I asked him to look it up as if they were GPS coordinates. I also knew if I shared it too soon it would cause problems because I strongly believe at this time the Illuminate is sparing no expense to find the valley of dry bones that Ezekial saw in Ezekial 37...the one that precedes the Gog and Magog war in chapter 38. If you look up where the descendants of Jethro inhabit, it is actually next to Ukraine, and it is referenced as "MAGOG".

Turns out that 38.00000 and 38.0000 leads us to a valley in Turkey near the great earthquake.

A valley called "ADIYAMAN"

Does that not sound like "Adam Ondi Ahman" ???

But this is a pattern I have come to notice..... things that happen spiritually also happen somewhere on the earth. It's not in alignment yet. So when something happens spiritually on one side of the world, it may happen physically on the other side of the world. I keep seeing this pattern over and over again. But I can't really reference how I am seeing it in a very definitive way. It's just something I know is happening.

If someone were capable of understanding the formula for how something spiritually is happening physically, they could accurately predict earth events. I think you are there Mike... because you have worked on following the Holy Spirit and you have worked at inventing a mental construct that is capable of charting where on earth the spirit material will manifest.
Twmq-Poll … filling Lake Mead? ... 7#p1493727
Michael Sherwin wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:37 pm From memory. All I said, 'If I could make a positive change would that make a difference'. I never said the Spirit would fill Lake Mead. I also said something to the effect that it wouldn't happen immediately. It would take some time to set in motion. So the increase started with the following year's increased snowpack. I felt that the Spirit was onboard with this and that is why I posted what I posted. It looks like to me that the Spirit delivered.

Interesting an earthquake matching your latest of four … put forth in quick succession. Each 0.8 stronger than the last … what role doth cognitive dissonance play. :?:

Also why do you at times precede a big punctuation mark with a period, as I have done ever since I first became aware of your choice to precede a big punctuation mark with a period. :?:

(Two questions … zero answers) 🐳

— perhaps said dissonance plays a role here too.

Please aid our understanding. ❗️
Here is my answer copied from LDSFF.

"The big punctuation mark at the end is meant as a notation of emphasis for what came before it. Like this is an important question or this is an important precept. And it is also to elicit comments. I don't do that much any more. It never seems to have the desired effect.

About the four earthquakes and cognitive dissonance. The demonstration quakes were not because I was being denigrated. It was because the Spirit that teaches me from time to time was being denigrated. I felt the anger of the Spirit. That is why I said to the Spirit that maybe they need a demonstration. That is when the 5.7M quake broke loose Maroni's trumpet. But, that was not enough and the Spirit was attacked again. I felt the anger of the Spirit again and said to the Spirit that maybe they need another demonstration. About thirty minutes later the 6.5M occurred in Idaho. And yet again the Spirit was attacked. And again the Spirit was angry. This time the Spirit had me announce the 7.3M ahead of time by inviting the Spirit to send one of that magnitude. And I also posted that there would be an 8.1M followed by an 8.9M. The 7.3M and the 8.1M did happen in a timely manner. I called off the 8.9M because I did not want the possible devastating effects that might harm many people. The Spirit was not happy with my decision. I could feel that. But, the Spirit honored my decision because it is a cooperative relationship and not a dictatorship. It is like when Moses lifted his staff and God parted the Red Sea. If Moses did not agree by raising his staff then the Red Sea would not have parted. If I did not take a huge chance by inviting the Spirit to send the 7.3M and totally ruin my credibility if it did not happen then it would not have happened the way it did. I admit that I was worried. I was experiencing some cognitive dissonance during that whole time. But when the 8.1M happened with all the numerical signs my cognitive dissonance was gone.

As for the cognitive dissonance of the reader with their set ways of understanding and that most never believed me in the first place about my story it is no wonder that they cannot believe their own eyes. I've said some pretty damning things about JS and the LDS Church. It would be a great shaking to their psyche to believe anything that I have posted about the demonstrations including making a positive change to the Lake Mead water levels. Don't rock the boat. :!:"