DoC Zombre: Authority to Give the Baptism of the Holy Ghost Part 4
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:56 am
Zombre: DoC wrote: Authority and power in the priesthood is not as simple as turning a certain age. What does it mean to have the priesthood sealed upon you? How does one receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? And, who has authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost to others? Why are we missing out on the fruits of the priesthood we read about in scripture? The scriptures show we may still have a few things to learn about priesthood authority.
CORRECTION: Video references 3 Ne 19:36-37, but should be 3 Ne 18:36-37
Video Outline:
Authority to Give the Gift of the Holy Ghost – Part 5
- The Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost
- Two Examples of Priesthood Restoration in Scripture
- Status of the Melchizedek Priesthood Today