Re: The OM&S and the DS

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The Wicker Man
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Re: Re: The OM&S and the DS

Post by The Wicker Man »

Valo wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:33 am "37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:

That which we sow is the Christ seed into our children at conception. But the Christ seed sown is not our future body. It helps us bare grain, a seed of our own. It is that seed that receives a new body."

Thanks for the response. Lots to consider but the part I have in quotation marks stood out to me at the moment. First I think it is a beautiful description of what those verses of scripture are saying in that it makes sense and has implications that are profound, to me.

To summarize or stated in another way the idea here is that God gives us a portion of His Spirit, we apparently receive it through our parents, those of us not tares, at least, but this portion isn't "our" identity yet, or it isn't our spirit, yet, but the portion of Father's spirit we do have is what allows us to generate or to produce a spirit of our own that is like Father's or wheat or another type of spirit or identity.

Through the seed of Christ loaned to us, if we so desire, may use it to create our own seed. It is up to us to use the portion of God's spirit given to us to produce a seed, but is it by "chance" that the seed we end up producing will be a wheat seed, some other seed, or do we have control over what seed gets produced?

Are we shaping our identity or revealing it?

Those considered wheat are the same as those that are spotless and without wrinkle, etc. When they are resurrected they receive celestial type bodies and immediately go to be with the LORD in the Father's house which is New Jerusalem. Then New Jerusalem starts its millennial journey to the New Earth.

The tares of course have no viable seed within them and they are not resurrected.

That leaves everyone else and since they are not wheat and not tares it means that they are of some other grain. All that really means is that they are of some other level of glory and they have not qualified for immortality. So they are given another chance on the New Earth to qualify. That means that they receive mortal terrestrial type bodies upon the New Earth. Then they must keep God's commandments to eventually receive immortality. The difference between trying to keep God's commandments on this earth or the New Earth is that on this earth God does not strive with man to help him keep his commandments. On the New Earth God will once again strive with man to help man to keep his commandments. And thus qualify for immortality. However, the wicked will reject God's help and become/remain sinners and will follow Satan when he is released out of the pit that is death. Realize the wicked and the godless are two different groups. The godless have zero Christ Spirit within them and they are not resurrected. The wicked can have some of the Christ Spirit still within them (maybe even a lot) but they choose to do wickedly. The parable of the ten talents explains the mechanics quite well. The one given 5 talents and the one given 2 both grew their talents and were rewarded. The one given 1 talent just buried it in the ground to keep it safe. Isn't it obvious that the talents represents the Christ seed which is the only valuable currency of heaven. And we are required to grow our talents, the Christ Spirit within, by keeping God's commandments the best we can. If we don't the Christ Spirit that we do have will be taken away and given to others. The glory we receive at the resurrection depends upon the glory of the seed we produce. So to answer your question, we shape it with a little help from God and God reveals it at the resurrection by the body he gives to each of us.

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Post by Valo »

The Wicker Man wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:19 pm
Valo wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:33 am "37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:

That which we sow is the Christ seed into our children at conception. But the Christ seed sown is not our future body. It helps us bare grain, a seed of our own. It is that seed that receives a new body."

Thanks for the response. Lots to consider but the part I have in quotation marks stood out to me at the moment. First I think it is a beautiful description of what those verses of scripture are saying in that it makes sense and has implications that are profound, to me.

To summarize or stated in another way the idea here is that God gives us a portion of His Spirit, we apparently receive it through our parents, those of us not tares, at least, but this portion isn't "our" identity yet, or it isn't our spirit, yet, but the portion of Father's spirit we do have is what allows us to generate or to produce a spirit of our own that is like Father's or wheat or another type of spirit or identity.

Through the seed of Christ loaned to us, if we so desire, may use it to create our own seed. It is up to us to use the portion of God's spirit given to us to produce a seed, but is it by "chance" that the seed we end up producing will be a wheat seed, some other seed, or do we have control over what seed gets produced?

Are we shaping our identity or revealing it?

Those considered wheat are the same as those that are spotless and without wrinkle, etc. When they are resurrected they receive celestial type bodies and immediately go to be with the LORD in the Father's house which is New Jerusalem. Then New Jerusalem starts its millennial journey to the New Earth.

The tares of course have no viable seed within them and they are not resurrected.

That leaves everyone else and since they are not wheat and not tares it means that they are of some other grain. All that really means is that they are of some other level of glory and they have not qualified for immortality. So they are given another chance on the New Earth to qualify. That means that they receive mortal terrestrial type bodies upon the New Earth. Then they must keep God's commandments to eventually receive immortality. The difference between trying to keep God's commandments on this earth or the New Earth is that on this earth God does not strive with man to help him keep his commandments. On the New Earth God will once again strive with man to help man to keep his commandments. And thus qualify for immortality. However, the wicked will reject God's help and become/remain sinners and will follow Satan when he is released out of the pit that is death. Realize the wicked and the godless are two different groups. The godless have zero Christ Spirit within them and they are not resurrected. The wicked can have some of the Christ Spirit still within them (maybe even a lot) but they choose to do wickedly. The parable of the ten talents explains the mechanics quite well. The one given 5 talents and the one given 2 both grew their talents and were rewarded. The one given 1 talent just buried it in the ground to keep it safe. Isn't it obvious that the talents represents the Christ seed which is the only valuable currency of heaven. And we are required to grow our talents, the Christ Spirit within, by keeping God's commandments the best we can. If we don't the Christ Spirit that we do have will be taken away and given to others. The glory we receive at the resurrection depends upon the glory of the seed we produce. So to answer your question, we shape it with a little help from God and God reveals it at the resurrection by the body he gives to each of us.
Thank you for the thorough answer. Very cool!

I have thoughts to share but nothing I feel like sharing at the moment.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

The Wicker Man wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:21 pm
Not only can Michael fully indwell someone like he indwelt Adam, Enoch and Jesus as well as some others, a small portion of his Spirit is in all of us. It is a symbiotic relationship. By living according to God's laws we actually grow the portion of the Holy Spirit within us. In the parable of the ten talents the talents we are given is that portion of the Holy Spirit that is within us. When a man fathers a child a mustard sized portion of the Holy Spirit is transferred to the child.

Today, being a travel day reminds me of me Purple Circle that I posted a pic of on FF (Fascist Forum) and it’s March 18 too boot. Eating fish, riding bikes and playing chess are things we have in common. My dad implanted a science seed when he showed me the computer that went to the moon. We have the same middle name that in conjunction with the world almost getting blowed up, led to my unique name anomaly. My Patriarch said something unique about continuing my career in electronics. Anyway, I’m laid up or sleepless in Seattle so I thought I’d expound on my sad situation at the Fish Shack.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

Re: Lucifer's Plan ... 43#p949543
Michael Sherwin wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:52 am The further a soul with goodness gravitates to the darkside the faster it can ascend back up. Maybe it is time an anchor with a rope attached is lowered near you so you can make it back to the surface. The only bad thing is seafood is really expensive up here. 8-)
Earlier on in that thread, Michael says how he loves seafood.

Me too, and ironically OKC oftentimes has better seafood than Anchorage.

Here spy sits contemplating the darkside that began to emerge via Salmon color in Seattle. This Cod type sign is showing something to look forward to partaking of in the next weeks. Today at Hertz, the counter guy says chose any car from compact row three. Off in the distance spy spies a VW logo which hertz has never offered at the base rate. About 2 days ago I spilled the beans about Fahrvergnügen. Never have I driven a Volkswagen before, so I chose a silver Jetta. But just to be thorough, l look to see my other options are … viewtopic.php?p=2755#p2755

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

Re: 🕯️wicker 🌄 ... 7#p1469277
abijah wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:09 am Isaiah 53
He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.

Isaiah 43
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

(shoutout to my departed nigga Michael Sherwin, who got himself banned for no good reason

knowledge turns obliquely and you needed patience 🥺 Yet I mourn your passing, and pray your comeback 🙏)
Now we know why Mike hasn’t sounded a peep.

The deception continues to crumble.

The silence shall soon end.

. . . * . . . . . . . . **

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Post by Valo »

Who Are You?

"At the core of your soul, who are you? If you don't know who you are, I can't tell you who you are." - David Goggins

Who told John the Baptist that Jesus was the Christ?

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Post by Valo »

Valo wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:05 pm Who Are You?

"At the core of your soul, who are you? If you don't know who you are, I can't tell you who you are." - David Goggins

Who told John the Baptist that Jesus was the Christ?
I asked Leo:

According to Christian belief, John the Baptist recognized Jesus as the Christ based on a vision and a divine revelation. In the Bible, it is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (3:13-17) and John (1:29-34) that John the Baptist had a special role in preparing the way for Jesus, and he identified Jesus as the Messiah through divine guidance.

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Post by Valo »

Valo wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:07 am
Valo wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:05 pm Who Are You?

"At the core of your soul, who are you? If you don't know who you are, I can't tell you who you are." - David Goggins

Who told John the Baptist that Jesus was the Christ?
I asked Leo:

According to Christian belief, John the Baptist recognized Jesus as the Christ based on a vision and a divine revelation. In the Bible, it is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (3:13-17) and John (1:29-34) that John the Baptist had a special role in preparing the way for Jesus, and he identified Jesus as the Messiah through divine guidance.
I asked Leo if Jesus knew He was the Messiah before John the Baptist:

Jesus likely knew he was the Messiah before John the Baptist knew. The Bible does not explicitly state when Jesus became aware of his divine identity, but it does mention that John the Baptist hesitated to baptize Jesus because he recognized Jesus’ superior position (Matthew 3:14). However, John the Baptist’s hesitation does not necessarily imply that he knew Jesus was the Messiah before Jesus himself did.

Here are some points to consider:

1. Jesus was born with a divine nature, which implies that he was aware of his divine identity from the beginning.

2. Jesus’ baptism, where John hesitated to baptize him, was a significant event that could have confirmed Jesus’ understanding of his divine mission.

3. Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, which occurred after his baptism, further demonstrated his divine nature and authority.

4. John the Baptist publicly identified Jesus as the Messiah (John 1:29-34), but this does not necessarily mean that Jesus only became aware of his identity at that moment.

In summary, while it is not explicitly stated when Jesus became aware of his divine identity, it is likely that he knew he was the Messiah before John the Baptist knew.

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Post by BeNotDeceived »

Re: Personal proof of what we are ... 8#p1480968
InTheKnow wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 7:47 am I have had numerous out of body experiences. But one experience was far different than the others. All the others happened when I was sleeping. And no they were not dreams. I was really outside of my body. One time though it happened differently. I was in a state of total exhaustion. I sat down on the edge of the bed and cupped my head in my hands with my elbows resting on my knees. I was looking down at my feet. Then with all the energy I could muster I spontaneously without thinking about it kicked my legs up and swiveled to lay down on the bed. My head hit the pillow and I was looking up at the ceiling. Then in the next moment everything became the purest black possible. I had no body or any senses of any kind. I did have what seemed like a field of vision even though in that field of vision all was pure blackness. Then an instant later I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my head cupped in my hands with my elbows on my knees and I was looking at my feet. Then I was pulled back into my body and I was looking up at the ceiling. I never lost consciousness the entire time.

So what happened was that my spirit and body left my soul which was still sitting on the edge of the bed. Then while I was looking at the ceiling through my body's eyes I left my body and entered into my soul. Then my soul and me reentered my body. That is how I know that I am neither my soul nor my body and that I am a spirit without a human form that has no eyes to see with while not in either of my bodies.
A similar story is linked here.
March 8 and 18 made me do it. 8-)

Kudos =~ Capisci. :?: . . . * . . . . . . . . **

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Post by Finrock »

The Wicker Man wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:40 am I followed the link above. Why oh why can't anyone learn anything? Can't they understand English? Can't they believe the Bible?
Jesus gave the Law to Moses

"Behold, I am he that gave the law, and I am he who covenanted with my people Israel; therefore, the law in me is fulfilled, for I have come to fulfil the law; therefore it hath an end" (3 Nephi 15:4-5).
And here is what they cannot understand or choose not to believe.

14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

So who was it that gave the law to Moses? It was the indwelling Father of mankind. It was the indwelling Father of mankind that was talking in 3 Nephi 15:4-5.

It is so simple!
God and the individual
God is described as the Father of each individual, and through the direct gift of a fragment of his eternal spirit, called a Thought Adjuster, is said to be able to guide the individual toward an increased understanding of him.[50][51] The Thought Adjuster is a central teaching of the book[52] and is also referred to as a "Mystery Monitor" and "indwelling presence,"[52] as well as a "divine spark."[53] The idea is compared within the book to the Hindu atman and the ancient Egyptian ka. In relation to biblical traditions, the Thought Adjuster is said to be the meaning behind the phrases "being made in God's image" and the "kingdom of God is within you":[54]

The Adjuster is the mark of divinity, the presence of God. The "image of God" does not refer to physical likeness nor to the circumscribed limitations of material creature endowment but rather to the gift of the spirit presence of the Universal Father in the supernal bestowal of the Thought Adjusters upon the humble creatures of the universes.

Each person is said to receive one such fragment at the time of his or her first independent moral decision, on average around the age of five years and 10 months.[52][50] The Adjuster then serves noncoercively as a divine partner in the mind of the individual for the rest of life, and to the extent that a person consents with their free will to want to find God, it leads the person toward more mature, spiritualized thinking. A person's Thought Adjuster is described as distinct from either the soul or the conscience. In The Urantia Book's teachings, the degree to which a human mind chooses to accept its Adjuster's guidance becomes the degree to which a person's soul "grows" and becomes a reality that can then survive death. The soul is in essence an embryonic spiritual development,[55] one parental factor being the divine Adjuster and the other being the human will.[56]
The Urantia Book

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