Prophets and Altered States of Mind

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Prophets and Altered States of Mind

Post by Valo »

What percentage of ancient revelation was received through the use of some drug or substance that causes altered states of mind?

I 100 percent can understand why, let's say, Noah, got drunk and naked in his tent. I mean, when you live in a world that has people that are just lying to themselves left and right and to each other and pretending and wearing masks and acting like they don't really just want sex, or money, or power, and all the virtue signaling, the mockery, the narrow mindedness, the ignorance, the stupidity, the abuse, the railing, I mean day after day, witnessing most people being willfully clueless so they can gratify their sins and blame Noah for it, yeah, I'd be drunk everyday. Passed out naked laying on the floor.

And then the world wants to judge Noah as a sinner? :D

It's like 🖕 :D

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