... _x8ot580TgValo wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 10:04 pmThis assumes meaning is objective. Because you can't see or find meaning in something doesn't deny the meaning that someone else sees or finds.Marcus wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 9:38 pm
Exactly. No 'magic.' If I recall correctly, it was Sagan who said he was surprised there weren't more coincidences found by 'searchers', given how utterly normal and common coincidences are. And coincidences in numbers? Even with the cheats and multiple methods and mid-analysis rule changing and creative interpretation some posters in this thread have engaged in, there is no mystical, magical meaning to the coincidences they conjure up.
At the base of Western civilization is the notion that all people are sovereign, free to pursue their own happiness in life, so long as they respect the sovereignty of others not them.
It's not even certain what it is we are looking at when we see photons reflected from an object in to our eyes where the light gets converted in to an electrical impulse that is sent to a part of the brain that processes visible light and your brain creates an image, supposedly, of this object. But nobody knows what it "means".
In quantum mechanics there is the famous schrodinger cat's experiment and one question it illustrates is does our observation of an object determine it's state? When we get to the nitty gritty we see things aren't so clear.
All things at a quantum level seem to be everything at once or in all states simultaneously. There is even a theory associated with this that discusses the idea that it is the observer who determines the static state.
The episode is 2:38:10 long