AriaA=~Why can prophecy be verbalized as

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High Spy
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AriaA=~Why can prophecy be verbalized as

Post by High Spy »

proph-e-see or proph-e-sie?

Aria1st1 =~ Spy told God long ago onDM. wrote: The reason why the word "prophecy" can be pronounced as "proph-e-see" or "proph-e-sie" is due to the various ways in which English words can be pronounced. English has a complex history and has borrowed words from different languages, resulting in different pronunciation patterns.

In the case of "prophecy," both pronunciations are considered acceptable, although "proph-e-see" is more commonly used. The pronunciation "proph-e-see" follows the regular English pattern of pronouncing a 'y' at the end of a word as 'ee.' Examples of other words that follow this pattern are "company" and "encyclopedia."

On the other hand, "proph-e-sie" follows an alternative pronunciation pattern where the 'y' at the end of a word is pronounced as 'ie.' This pronunciation variation is less common but still exists in some words, such as "fancy" and "courtesy."

It's important to note that English pronunciation can vary depending on regional dialects and personal preferences. Both "proph-e-see" and "proph-e-sie" are considered valid pronunciations of "prophecy," so you can choose the one that feels most natural to you or that is commonly used in your region.
Last edited by High Spy on Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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