First Epistle of Kim Michael

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First Epistle of Kim Michael

Post by Finrock »

darknesstolight wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:19 pm Listen all ye that can hear the voice of the Lord.

The time is near at hand. How near you know not. How sudden you know not.

It will be as Yeshua said a thief in the night.

Ye have wasted thy currency seeking after the joys and mirth and merriment and comforts of the world.

There be a price to pay for such joy.

Those who walk in valley of the shadow of death they will shine as bright stars in the sky.

It will be a time of great terror for the joyful and a time of great joy for the sorrowful.

Tears of the just will be wiped away and the water and blood they shed shall wash them clean as the blood of the Lamb washes our garments.

The meek and humble those who walk in the Path of discipline shall be held up on the great day of burning and they will be lifted and elevated and brought to stand before the One Mighty and Strong as a jewel and as a scepter in His hands to bring about the mighty purposes of the Great Father, our Eternal GOD of Gods and LORD of Lords.

This Earth is His footstool and enemies have overrun His Vineyard and in His anger kindled against the wicked and proud will bring them low even to the dust that they no longer hinder the paths and the walkways of the righteous the poor and poor in heart who soujourned in sorrow all their days and who were enslaved and oppressed they will be set free and the tormentor will hide in fear and find no place to hide and as it was within their hearts to do so it shall be done unto them, thus saith the Lord God.


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