BeNotDeceived wrote: ↑Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:13 am
Re: Hierarchy of Gentiles in America ... 7#p1470237
marc wrote: ↑Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:04 pm
BuriedTartaria wrote: ↑Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:03 pm
I think you may be on to something here.
Well, I have spent the last ten years or so studying and parsing this subject.
FellowPilgrim, I rejoice with you. Thank you for that. 3 Nephi 21 is the blueprint. Jesus said in verse one that:
3 Nephi 21:1 And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a sign, that ye may know the time when
these things shall be about to take place—that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion...
And what are "these things?" They are the promises contained in the preceding chapter. And as we have the BoM divided into chapters, in their original form, they were probably not formatted that way. In any case, chapter 21 is a continuation of chapter 20, or in other words, it is Jesus Christ continuing His speech to the people at Bountiful. He is channeling Isaiah (3 Nephi 20:11). Now if I'm not mistaken, these promises are millennial promises including the gathering of Israel and the "redemption" of Zion which is the same as when the brother of Jared was "redeemed" or in other words Jesus reveals Himself to His people, aka His church, aka His bride. Israel becomes redeemed Zion. Chapter 21 mirrors chapter 20 in that Jesus expounds Isaiah first and then he reveals the mystery in chapter 21. He unlocks Isaiah plainly in chapter 21.
Too bad Michael Sherwin is marred and unable to weigh in.
Unto Moses, with whom the Lord spake “face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend,”a the course of the human race, both as then past and future, was made known; and the coming of the Redeemer was recognized by him as the event of greatest import in all the happenings to which the earth and its inhabitants would be witness. The curse of God had aforetime fallen upon the wicked, and upon the earth because of them, “For they would not hearken unto his voice, nor believe on his Only Begotten Son, even him whom he declared should come in the meridian of time, who was prepared from before the foundation of the world.”b In this scripture appears the earliest mention of the expressive and profoundly significant designation of the period in which the Christ should appear—the meridian of time. The Meridian of Time (Chapter 6)
The meridian of time is a valid concept but I do not believe it is ordered in time correctly by those that expound upon it. The
true meridian of time is this:
Rev 10:6 "And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer.
At the meridian of time when the mystery of God is finished is also the gathering.
Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
And what is the mystery of God at the last trump?
1 Cor 15:51,52 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
But this is not the gathering the churches teach. They teach that the gathering is to somewhere on this earth like to Israel or to America.
2 Thess. 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
This gathering cannot happen until the "falling away".
2 Thess. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
As I have shown numerous times the "falling away" is the 6th seal that points to Isaiah 34:4 which is the dissolving of this creation. And every other 'witness' in the Bible agrees. Also as I have shown, many times. I have also shown many times that Jesus' disciples (and most Christians) except for Peter did not (do not) understand that Jesus Christ was dual being. That have now separated.
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Jesus the man which was the first fruits of the dead absolutely became the first begotten Son of God. And this is where he is.
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
However, the indwelling Father of Mankind had a different destination.
John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
The Christ Spirit, the one made better than the Angels that is the life and light of man rejoins with the Father in Heaven. However, he will return one more time.
Let's first determine who exactly is speaking.
John 14
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us
Just like I said, people do or cannot believe that Jesus was indwelt by the Father of Mankind.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
Even the one that penned the gospel of John makes the same mistake in not differentiating between Jesus the man and the indwelling Father and calls the Father Jesus. But the Father speaking from within Jesus says, I'm here talking to you right now, you have seen the Father because it is I the Father that is speaking to you. And what does the Father say of his return?
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
The indwelling Father will return to indwell another comforter. It won't be Jesus Christ, it will be another (man) Christ.
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
This anointed one (Christ) is the DS, another comforter, the OMAS, the messenger, the one that stands, the man child and the one that stands at the time of salvation is Michael TGP. And what anointing does he receive.
Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
Not them or they but he. He will
stand. He will rule the nations.
Rev 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.