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I Gotta Say

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:48 pm
by Valo
I wasn't impressed by the earthquakes. I didn't find the Father in the quake. Not saying He wasn't there, just saying I found the Father in something different. There are a lot of things worse than physically dying and truth is at times death would have been a welcome relief.

There is a sense, an understanding, a feeling, an awareness, a presence, a connection, a mostly subtle (not always) intuition, a whisper, but more it is a sense of acceptance, of being known, being understood, being held in the hollow of His hand.

When the storms come I suffer like others might suffer but it is a suffering that I feel as I'm suffering that it is understood. There is a familiarity to it. Like, yes, I know it sucks.

Re: I Gotta Say

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:54 am
by BeNotDeceived
Re: I'm wearing a white shirt, but I'm not ... 8#p2859298
Gadianton wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:51 pm What does your mission from God entail?
Now having gained historical perspective, it primarily was to detect the opening of the seventh seal. Then enable and detect the marring of the Davidic Servant which is easily demonstrated via:

Let those that are members share understanding. :idea:

— The forgoing aided my understanding and the first demonstration earthquake connected the events with the name of Crist, which as you discovered is an old-world spelling of Christ as per links in my sig line. Timekeeper reporting for duty. :lol: