I Gotta Say
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:48 pm
I wasn't impressed by the earthquakes. I didn't find the Father in the quake. Not saying He wasn't there, just saying I found the Father in something different. There are a lot of things worse than physically dying and truth is at times death would have been a welcome relief.
There is a sense, an understanding, a feeling, an awareness, a presence, a connection, a mostly subtle (not always) intuition, a whisper, but more it is a sense of acceptance, of being known, being understood, being held in the hollow of His hand.
When the storms come I suffer like others might suffer but it is a suffering that I feel as I'm suffering that it is understood. There is a familiarity to it. Like, yes, I know it sucks.
There is a sense, an understanding, a feeling, an awareness, a presence, a connection, a mostly subtle (not always) intuition, a whisper, but more it is a sense of acceptance, of being known, being understood, being held in the hollow of His hand.
When the storms come I suffer like others might suffer but it is a suffering that I feel as I'm suffering that it is understood. There is a familiarity to it. Like, yes, I know it sucks.