... 5#p2853715
Flemming wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:04 am So you aren’t going to address my above concerns/questions?
Orange is specified as the color of the fireball, as per Pirate Washers post. Orange is the answer is something frequently said on KOSU. Yesterday there were an over abundance of 57 anomalies. Today spy has traveled towards the site of 8.1 and 8.2 events in the earthquake series. I screen captured my IP address just now, but it’s showing Wasilla. Currently it ends with 157 and my hostname begins with 157.
Berisheet means “know the end from the beginning”. Have you educated yourself about that, Korihor, Gemitria?
V=L* dI/dt comes to mind as something similar incorporating the use of BigL.
Most won’t get that simple formula, but that in no way invalidates it for those that do.
Many of your questions have already been answered. You just need to search for them, but in order to do that effectively you’ll need to register on LDSFF, but you’re unwilling to do that. My definition of a saint includes someone willing to believe. Quit being the slothful servant, and appreciate what’s already been given.
Alexa currently won’t play KOSU. Maybe streaming will work. I certainly hope so.