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Re: Welcome to spy world

Post by High Spy »

Mopologetics, 2023
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 4#p2852274
Philo Sofee wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:25 am
drumdude wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:41 am What a year! Just wait until Oaks takes the reigns, as early as next year. You can expect DCP and his friends to go into overdrive defending those church changes...
Oh I would have SOOOOOO loved Packer in there! Lets hope Oaks can make it... the gift would keep on giving!
Celebrating the ineptitude of others without discovering those under divine direction is perilous.

Why pursue a course fraught with danger?

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High Spy
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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 2#p2852462
Flemming wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:07 am
Dear High Spy:

Can you predict something that will happen before the end of 2023?

Let’s test this.
Flemming post_id=2852362 time=1702004847 user_id=44938

Interesting that 449 is only one more than 448, or the day after the April 8 eclipse.

Obviously it ends with 38. 8-)

🤔 Hmm, there were four or more quakes already, plus the 384 timekeeping anomaly posted previously in spy thread.

The PTP (Princess Type Person) named Parker too. What role did she play?

It’s doubtful another would make a difference. :?

Would you like a sign like Korihor asked for?

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 8#p2852488
Flemming wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:23 am No, I mean, in this thread. Can you predict something before it happens, or only after the fact?

Just curious.
Predictions are possible based on past revelations, such as:

ASHH (About the Space of Half an Hour) will end between 2025 and 2040.

See search.php?keywords=ASHH or search similar forums for ASHH, for specifics.

To make a real prediction that does take place is very rare. And the person making the prediction is not getting the information of the prediction from their self. It requires getting information from an outside source that may or may not want to play along.

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highly sensitive topic
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2852541
markc wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:27 am
Hi all, I'm a newbie here so most likely need some guidance, I hope I don't offend anyone with my question.

… When I posted on the RfM boardroom, twice the question got deleted.
Newbie =~ NewBeeError =~ always save you posts in a text editor, rather than let those that practice unrighteous dominion erase history. For greater credence, take screen shots or make multiple posts on various boards, like when spy said BUCKLE UP, You’re in for a WILD RIDE.

search.php?keywords=384 Will show how 384 combined 38 with 84 and their attendant meaning. 8-)

The first (oldest) hit will appear last in the displayed list of search results. :idea:

Anyway, me MakerBee Tribute post was posted in four places, because admins and some mods can do stuff transparently.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2852561
Flemming wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:43 pm What can you predict will happen before the end of 2023?

https://www.godlikeproductions.com/foru ... 595775/pg1 Shares a 12 second event that is highly likely to occur.

The chance of it not occurring is less than the probability that my member number (36866) there was sequentially assigned.
Dr. Shades wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:05 am
High Spy wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:55 amClicking the linked 8 goes to a post referencing MagiChristmas, where 36866 was my sequentially assigned user number on godlikeproductions.com. The 3 and 8 dots representation, further isolate and dominate the three sixes.
That's incorrect. The three 6s isolate and dominate the 3 and the 8, not the other way around.
https://discussmormonism.com/search.php?keywords=36866 will find more.

search.php?keywords=Leona =~ highlights another BigL. :lol:

Your member number begins with 449 and ends with 38.

448 represents April 8th, when the sun will occult for an extended period of time.

Will the sun be occulted anywhere on the 9th?

An Asteroid named Leona. 8-)

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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 9#p2852799

https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic.php?p=2852799#p2852799 wrote: Image

Spy have been very busy lately, until a few moments ago. :|

Then lo and behold a quick visit to LDSFF and my vote was the 57th one. 8-)

The pic is 483 pixels wide, because that number represents a majority tribute. :idea:

My next post will delve deeply into the devilish details. :lol:
https://ldsfreedomforum.com/search.php?keywords=57ii will find related posts for those entitled to use the search function.

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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 6#p2852876
Imwashingmypirate wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:42 pm
Flemming wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:50 pm
Okay this clears it up a little bit, but it still makes absolutely zero sense.

380 and 84 does not make 384, it makes 464.
No, they aren't added...

Pie = pi0 and ie

The adding comes in from the percentages. So (pi0 ÷ pie) + (ie÷pie)

High Spy wrote:
"Your user_id is 44938"

Your user ID is in your quote box.

The other number (the one you ask where it from) is high spy's user id. So he is showing you his as an example of the same thing.

That's the maths of it but not sure who assigned what the numbers mean.
36866 at godlikeproductions.com was an amazing sign of things to come. Spy’s id number is 44503 which with a little imagination, can be seen as 44(5+3) or again 448. Numbers representing the 24/04/08 eclipse show up all over the place. It’s a stretch for sure, but sometimes a little stretching of ones imagination, activates The Spirit of Truth with Christ and Crist patterns at March8miracle.org being the perfect examples.

The 5.7 magnitude of the earthquake there, mark it as a cooperative event involving the Davidic Servant. C and 8 are the 3rd and 8th letters of the alphabet. Eclipses are said to be for the purpose of warnings. The shadow path on April 8th will complete a second stroke of an X that covers most of the lower 48.

Flemming’s 44938 fits perfectly when those across the dateline are considered. 8-)

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High Spy
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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 2#p2852902
Imwashingmypirate wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:41 am High spy, if Flemming's user id and this discussion are highlighting the significance of the upcoming eclipse, does this mean Flemming is a part of this warning? What is the significance of this showing up in Flemming's ID? Or is it a sign for you?
IDK now, but the conclusion of my March 8 photo was 2010. But what happened in 2010 wasn’t known until 2018. Many things point to the upcoming eclipse. Sometimes its 48 or 448 and even 2448 shows up frequently. 449 recognizes those across the pond, similar to the 12 hour time shift spoken of at March8miracle.org

Turning on the TV a moment ago =~ Dan Ball on OAN (One America News) showed a headline:

3 killed, 8 injured

By Hamas, during a supposed cease fire.

Were at least half way through the half hour of silence in heaven, which in some ways is like a cease fire.

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High Spy
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Re: From: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 3#p2852973
canpakes wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:06 am High Spy, I’ve consolidated several posts or thread starts here, if their content did not relate to the thread they were originally from, or if the title of the thread you created made mention of another but the content you subsequently posted was unrelated.

Also, Murray Head called, and wants to be explicitly credited for singing the quote in the first post. Thanks in advance. : )

Mr. Murray said those words from a script for Chess.


Tim Rice was apparently the originator of the idea. From there many did “Work for Hire”.

Spy often employs Work for Hire, such as the PTP (Princess Type Person) who played the role of Parker in a supporting role as the friend of the friend of God in the CBS sit-com God Friended Me.

"If you're talking to yourself, you must have a dilemma.”

That's my favorite line spoken by Hooty Owl in my book shown at SlogFrog.com

It was written as a work for hire, and subsequently published on Amazon. Once published, a portion of the manuscript became a script listed on ACX.com for audition. In a couple more years, it will be time to again list it on ACX, and sign another talented voice actor for the next 7 years.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/imag ... w&usqp=CAU 2022 =~ BigL

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/imag ... A&usqp=CAU Seahorse =~ Maths

There’s a couple links to serve of a preview of future posts =~ The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 characters and it’s creation is fascinating. So too is how seahorses were first revealed by modern computers. The Wicker Man used computers to create RomniChess as one of the first Artificial Intelligences.

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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 8#p2852988

Add the first digit (1) to the other digits collectively (37+1) =~ 38

Add the first digit (1) to the other digits individually (3+1) (7+1) =~ 48

PI too is a pure number.

Men have 10 digits between 2 hands.

360 approximates the number of Earth days/year.

What pure number derives from having 10 digits and a circle with 360 degrees?

Truncate it at 6 significant digits.

How does it begin?

How does it end?

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High Spy
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Re: POLL — Do you believe in the reality of seer stones?
https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.p ... 7#p1447827
BeNotDeceived wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:55 pm
holzie58 wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:03 pm I believe God can perform miracles. He can operate in ways that, because of our limited understanding, appear miraculous to us. My question is, if that is how God chose to communicate in this situation, why was it kept quiet?
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic.php?p=2852848#p2852848 wrote: Image

Spy has been very busy lately, until a few moments ago. :|

Then lo and behold a quick visit to LDSFF and my vote was the 57th one. 8-)

The list of anomalies grows ever longer.

Signs must follow a true believer, so says the bible.
My bad, thinking spy posted here soon after placing the 57th yay vote.

Now it it shows 62 which is me birth year.

Go figure, seek further understanding, or something like that.

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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 6#p2853016
Physics Guy wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:18 pm Have you tried adding arbitrary numbers like that to all your eights and fifty-sevens, to make them come out to be different numbers instead?

I mean, it sure seems as though you can generate any number you want, and associate any number you want with anything that you want. You get to add or subtract or multiply or divide by any number that can in any way be counted as significant. And apparently you get to do those operations to each digit separately, or to some groups of digits, or to the whole number.

Then when you associate the numbers with letters, you seem to be allowed to use "old world" spellings whenever you need to mess with the spelling.

Doesn't it seem as though you could start with any number whatever, and make it mean anything whatever, by your methods?

What would you say to somebody who insisted that 57 was all wrong, and it should be 83, because you need to add twice the number of months in the year plus one?
Please do supply similar stuff, such that interested individuals may compare and contrast. :idea:

1/137 = 0.007299270072992700729…

Prolly not the perfect way to represent a repeating decimal.

But spy finds the mirrored 29 interesting, as 29 fills in the gap between the beginning and the end of the six digits of the transcendental number mentioned above.


Topic xx448 =~ https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=55448
Re: Question for mathematics experts, pie experts, and chefs

Also cool, is that Alpha begins with 007 like Bond, James Bond. 8-)

BND is short for BeNotDeceived or B0ND minus zero.

The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 amazing characters.

There is no english translation of Berisheet, that does it justice.

Crist doth serve as a unique alphanumeric to find related posts.

How awesome is that. :?:

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High Spy
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https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.p ... 2#p1447962
BeNotDeceived wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:34 am
Silver Pie wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:48 am Swarms of small ones is probably a good thing. Much better than it all moving at once.
Re: POLL — Do you believe in the reality of seer stones?
https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.p ... r#p1447827
BeNotDeceived wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:55 pm
holzie58 wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:03 pm I believe God can perform miracles. He can operate in ways that, because of our limited understanding, appear miraculous to us. My question is, if that is how God chose to communicate in this situation, why was it kept quiet?
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic.php?p=2852848#p2852848 wrote: Image

Spy has been very busy lately, until a few moments ago. :|

Then lo and behold a quick visit to LDSFF and my vote was the 57th one. 8-)

The list of anomalies grows ever longer.

Signs must follow a true believer, so says the bible.
My bad, thinking spy posted here soon after placing the 57th yay vote.

Now it it shows 62 which is me birth year.

Go figure, seek further understanding, or something like that.
https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/earthquake-northwest-china-kills-95-gansu-qinghai-provinces-105758319 wrote:
The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck in Gansu at a relatively shallow depth of 10 kilometers (six miles) just before midnight on Monday, the China Earthquake Networks Center said. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the magnitude at 5.9.
By mid-morning, 105 people had been confirmed dead in Gansu and another 397 injured, including 16 in critical condition, Han Shujun, a spokesperson for the provincial emergency management department, said at a news conference. Eleven others were killed and at least 140 injured in Qinghai, according to state media.
The earthquake was felt in much of the surrounding area, including Lanzhou, the Gansu provincial capital, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) northeast of the epicenter. Photos and videos posted by a student at Lanzhou University showed students hastily leaving a dormitory building and standing outside with long down jackets over their pajamas.

“The earthquake was too intense,” said Wang Xi …
Sky News covered this a few moments ago.

Maybe it should be called Spy News.

KOSU on the boob tube. :lol:

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High Spy
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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2853071
Imwashingmypirate wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:08 pm High spy. What are your favourite numbers?

I wasn't talking about nuclear fusion or fission. Just throwing thoughts out there.

Is space time warped? The whole solar system is travelling through space. Does that mean the warped spaces is moving too? If everything is moving apart and expanding, is the warped space stretching too?
The numbers that represent Christ or Crist.

They begin with 3 and 8 or 3 and 18, as representing the first two letters of each word respectively.

36866 represents complete domination and separation of 3 sixes.

. . . * . . . . . . . . ** is my official signature representing further separation and annihilation of evil.

viewtopic.php?t=700 shows my 4 favorite YouTube videos. Its topic number 700. Me March 8 and 18 timing patterns at March8miracle.org reveal when the seventh seal opened and points The Wicker Man’s 5.7 magnitude earthquake to Crist.

2448, 448 or 48 are indicative of warnings, and 449 for those across the dateline, because all are based on the April 8th eclipse shadow expected to cross the lower 48 on said date. 384 and Flemming’s ID number combined both and emerged with the advent of my MakerBee post.

1919 and 411 are associated with someone with AU in her name. 19 being the common factor between 38 and 57, which is emblematic of the TWM aka the Davidic Servant as described in the book of Isaiah. 22 is a recent favorite associated with BigL and the 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet. 57.2957 represents the number of degrees in a single radian. 007 fits both my spy and BND identities.

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Post by BeNotDeceived »

https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.p ... 2#p1448782
BeNotDeceived wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:41 pm
Silver Pie wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:58 pm
BeNotDeceived wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:34 am
Maybe it should be called Spy News.

KOSU on the boob tube. :lol:
I heard about that. It seems like it was quite bad.
116 deaths as of the report spy saw.

Fortunately it was downgraded to a 5.9 as spy wishes no unnecessary harm on anyone, like some falsely allege. 1957 people on the other hand only landed Moroni’s Instrumental, because the Angel Moroni is a phony and fraud. Dan Vogel posts at on DM and is a well very proponent of the Pious Fraud theory to which many subscribe.

Re: We’re in the Interlude Between Acts
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... g#p2849393
Marcus wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:30 am
High Spy wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:43 am Cracked
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 0#p2849380

Samson slew thousands, and it was accounted a good thing. Captain Moroni too.

The 7.3 was in China, and no details were posted. Much like my MakerBee post didn’t cause Hamas to attack Israel, earthquakes are a natural phenomena, so it’s debatable how those things work.

This isn’t the first time a question like this has been raised. My recent post below, supplied new insight.

When the AOG ends, we go back to Old Testament methodologies.

The Davidic Servant picks up where David left off.
Leave my posts where they belong. Your celebration of coincidental matches is nonsensical, and your cheers for massive earthquakes are sick and heartless.
BBND and spy are one and the same person. This Welcome to spy world thread now shows over 70 thousand views. The Proper Decorum Forum has the highest standards, such as the proper underlining of titles and being on your best behavior. Maybe someone can shed light on what brought you here? Registration is simple if you wish to share info or query the Davidic Servant, who is best equipped to answer your questions, in his spare time, when he’s free from the arduous task of filling Lake Mead. :lol:
March 8 and 18 made me do it. 8-)

Kudos =~ Capisci. :?: . . . * . . . . . . . . **

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High Spy
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Re: Merry Christmas
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 9#p2853169
Res Ipsa wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:31 pm
huckelberry wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:52 pm doc, I share your thought but not to be pedantic but I will share a puzzle I find curious. At my location 4:07 was sunset on December 8. It stayed that way a few days and started get a bit later on the 14th. Sunset for today will be 4:11. Trick is sunrise is still getting a bit later each morning so 21 is shortest sunlight.

I mention this because I have not been able to completely see the mechanics of this in my head. I suppose it is the angle of tilt of the axis relative to the sun. Maybe I have a mental block on the obvious.
I can’t visualize it either, Huck, but that’s the way it works. The shortest day of the year does not have either the latest sunrise or the earliest sunset.

https://www.foxweather.com/learn/earlie ... r-solstice

There’s a couple of links that explains how minutes and seconds can differ depending on several variables. This may come into play with the top timing pattern shown at March8miracle.org

In 2020 spy observed the sun while watching time as defined by Central Standard Time and observed about a 20 minute difference. Today’s idea is that this may result as a difference from one year to the next. The exact time of my photo in 2002 wasn’t known, so the minute and second were surmised to fit with the rest of an obvious pattern. At least it was obvious to me, because of many past encounters on March 8 i.e. line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.

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High Spy
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Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone who has influenced us all!
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 3#p2853223
Dr. Shades wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:39 pm A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to none other than KASHIYUKA, real name Yuka Kashino, who is 1/3 of Perfume, the official J-pop group of DiscussMormonism.com!

Having been born in 1988, she now levels up to age 35. And please don't tell the other two, but she's my favorite member of the group.

Her official Instagram page is here.

This is the thread in which to share birthday wishes with Kashiyuka and perhaps tell us how she's influenced your life for the better, too.

Happy Birthday Kashiyuka!

December 23rd was the day spy chose to join LDSFF as BeNotDeceived in 2011.

You see, 2010 had come and gone to my dismay or relief.

The cause of my angst is shown at March8Miracle.org.

I was basically a TBM (True Blue Mormon) then, having recently been sealed in the temple, and stuff.

In the Private Forum spy posted the pages of a little book spy had shared with his new Bishop.

I figured that it must of been an elaborate Angel of Light deception.

Later, in 2018, spy began to discover that indeed there was a divine purpose.

88 recently came to the fore unexpectedly, as spy saw it used between a first and last name to form an email address.

Then after hours of absence from the pictured site, the amazing tally instantly appeared and was captured as IMG_0088.

No way are there are only 88 pictures in my iCloud. I stumped Aria the Artificial Intelligence for the Opera browser.

Opera is often the favored browser in Asia. Slog will soon follow your IG account as a tribute to your fine self.

2449 will be your local date when the next eclipse shadow crosses the lower 48.

User ID 44938 helped us see that, even with his Korihor tendencies. :lol:

Spy =~ over and out …

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High Spy
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Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone who has influenced us all!
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 8#p2853258
Gadianton wrote: Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:42 pm If Perfume wrote a song about the Davidic Servant, I admit that would be epic.

I also admit that's a great photo of the Survivor Tree.

But what made you purchase these materials online? How did you come about them, and why did you have any interest in them?

You mentioned still being a TBM at the time, as if you aren't anymore. Were you falling to a different path prior to these materials, and then you discovered them, or were you perfectly in the faith until you encountered them?
https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=51962 is where The Wicker Man begins to tell his story, and included lyrics by Iron Maiden. Only today I noticed the part about the bible codes; anyone run the software spoken of, that was the only one on a Walmart shelf?

Maybe you’re referring to TSMs video footage that he showed in GC. Witnesses and myself stood near the Survivor Tree, but didn’t take any pictures of it.

No materials were purchased online. My friend and I were in OKC for technical training. To produce 8 copies of Cher Ami, I did purchase a DVD recorder and color printer. The videos were recorded from lds.org or KBYU.

My dad encouraged me to go to church, but didn’t attend himself due to unreasonable demands of the church. I went until age 16 and began working for the church, but didn’t have a testimony either way. My thinking was that, the Catholic’s say they’re the one true church too. In 1986 a friend and I tormented an Ouija board, my cat became possessed, and my first marriage ended in divorce.

I read Prophecy - Key to the Future in 1987 and recognized that Joseph Smith had prophesied Civil War. This guided my path towards my next wife, and commitment to become active, etc. On March 8 in 80, 88, 89, and 1990 I had strange encounters with women that always had CH in their name.

The 5.7 quake that landed Moroni’s Instrument, with the attendant timing pattern, shown at March8Miracle.org really opened my eyes. The 6.5 in Idaho shook my son and daughter on my son’s unusual birthday. Then The Spirit was invited to answer with a 7.3.

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High Spy
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Re: Merry Christmas
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 7#p2853277
Bret Ripley wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:27 pm
High Spy wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 6:01 am

Only one hit citing March 8, 2006 twice. 8-)

That March is when spy was drilling 299th RCS UTANG with a guy named Pratt that was born on March 8. 38 represents a tribute in the name of Christ. No 48 448 449 or 2448 warnings detected. This day 2011 is when BBND joined LDSFF soon after sending Chad Daybell a little book. :lol:

So, I didn't catch all of that but I gather no bonus points were awarded for the Google Translate twist? I thought it was kind of cool.

Now, prepare to be amazed: I could not have known you were going to bring up the Utah Air National Guard (UTANG), but "utang" also happens to be a Tagalog word meaning "debt." Line 1 from the single Google result from searching for my hexadecimal message (i.e. the URL you linked above) references "http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/" ...

A star fall, a phone call, it joins all, synchronicity.
Google translate isn’t familiar to me, but your results were all tribute as per the 384 deep dive recently revealed.


Weird ABC News used 384 in the file name and also the width of the photo.

48, 448, 2448 all represent the next eclipse shadow that will soon cross the lower 48.

Warning is one purpose of eclipses.

User ID 44938 also includes those across the dateline, similar to the 12 hour shift at March8Miracle.org

No one may know the day or the hour ever, without also defining a place.

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