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Re: Welcome to spy world

Post by High Spy »

https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 7#p2850167
Flemming wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:35 am
High Spy wrote: Sometimes little L looks atrocious, so I created a fictional character, otherwise known as a forum account with user name Night0WL@slogbog.com =~ little L after w looks horrible.

Much like my sending me little book to Chad Daybell, then writing a poem for the last page about the passing of President Reagan a few days after I sent it.

Shortly after my MakerBee thread was posted on four forums, stating Buckle Up, you’re in for a wild ride, Hamas attacks Israel which matches the shape of a birthmark on the Davidic Servant’s head.

Now L is doing weird stuff too. High Spy is derived from my given name at birth. Things just keep getting stranger and stranger where The Spy FM really does broadcast, late at night, when Night0WL is watching the interwebs.
Okay, so why did you write this, and what does it mean?
. . . * . . . . . . . . **

3*8** Knight Lion, but not Nite Lion. 🐳 gbng

Everybody's heard the whale and 8 are linked. :lol:

Choose the 🥩
. . . * . . . . . . . . **

⬆️ Is my current signature intended to correlate fictional entities and serve as an official seal of authority in some instances.

3*8** Knight Lion, but not Nite Lion. Word tuple reference to WBNB and GBNG which are FUNS meaning (Weird, but not Bizarre) and (Ghost, but not Goblin) which are similar to DBNP (Deep, but Profound).

Whale has a silent consonant to represent GBNG.

Eight, Weird and Keith all are exceptions to the I before E, except after C basic spelling rule.

Clicking the linked 8 goes to a post referencing MagiChristmas, where 36866 was my sequentially assigned user number on godlikeproductions.com. The 3 and 8 dots representation, further isolate and dominate the three sixes. Think Doomsday for the Deceiver as in BeNotDeceived’s intro bog post.

🐳 gbng =~ Christ, but not Crist is also a conforming tuple, as per https://march8miracle.org =~ m8mo.

Everybody's heard the whale and 8 are linked. :lol: Cher Ami is BND’s bird avatar on LDSFF.

Choose the 🥩 EARTHQUAKES! ACE THEO video that also says that Paul means Pause, and that the current Administration of Grace will come to an end. This will be after 2024, but before 2041, when ASHH (About the Space of Half an Hour) will end, based on the seventh seal opening in 2010, as per m8mo.

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Re: Why Did God Feel It Was Necessary To Show Ezekiel His Penis?
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 8#p2850178
Kishkumen wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:07 pm
Morley wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:04 pm My patriarchal blessing promised that I would literally see the arm of God. Reading this about Ezekiel, I don't know whether to feel cheated or blessed.
Something made the earth shake four or five times at the behest of TWM (The Wicker Man). What bodily implement was employed to loose and land Moroni’s instrument. 🎺 :?:

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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 6#p2850216
Marcus wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:16 am
HS writes in the same manner as Nightlion and even mentions Nightlion in their signature.
No they don't. They write very differently and here is the mention:
Knight Lion, but not Nite Lion.
That's not Nightlion.
MakeBelief what you will,

may be another paraphrase of Abraham 4:18 as it relates to astrophysics and Night0WL’s abhorrence of little L.

Said abhorrence is why spy split Nightlion into two words.

The L thing hath materialized to potentially propel the purple circle plan to new heights.

Literally, literally begins with L too. :LoL:

Princess Type PeopLe, but not riding your baloney pony. :mrgreen:

Mrgreen standing in for DBNP, for a reason obvious to those skilled in the art of word tuples. 🦉

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High Spy
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https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 4#p2850624
Dr. Shades wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:05 am
High Spy wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:55 amClicking the linked 8 goes to a post referencing MagiChristmas, where 36866 was my sequentially assigned user number on godlikeproductions.com. The 3 and 8 dots representation, further isolate and dominate the three sixes.
That's incorrect. The three 6s isolate and dominate the 3 and the 8, not the other way around.


imG coming on the heels of me post about BigL i.e. my first name begins with BigG. Looking up serial number poker showed a link about liars poker, that the $ image links to.

That’s one way to look at it, but conventionally when a poker hand is called, the hand is rearranged to place the three-of-kind card’s adjacent to each other. Since we’re talking a sequential assignment that doesn’t work, but it was interesting to learn about a new game. 8-)

Sequential numbers, on the other hand are valued very much based on the first MSD (Most Significant Digit) on the left.

36866 may be thought of, as the sum of 30800 + 6066.

$30800 will buy a nice car, but one purchased for $6066, is likely to be greatly inferior. :lol:
Last edited by High Spy on Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: a tangent from Gadiantons quiry about fearing judgement
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 8#p2850608
huckelberry wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:45 pm
Imwashingmypirate wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:08 am
I don't know if I experience the atonement or religion as a gift. It always felt like an expectation. My experience of life is that nothing is without cost. But at the end of the day I'm too tired.
Yea, sometimes giddy talk about free gift of grace sounds like stones. We all know life is full of work and it can be hard in lots of ways. Still there are basics of life we receive without work each day.
Good point. ❕

My working life is nearing an end, called retirement after one last work adventure, as a new career likely takes flight. 🚀

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Re: Honoring Veterans
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 8#p2850948
Kishkumen wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:41 am
Res Ipsa wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:08 pm
I don't either. The story of how a couple of political zealots got Trump to sign off on an insane military directive during the lame duck portion of his presidency is pretty scary. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/11 ... withdrawal
100% pure Trump. Absolutely believable.


https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.p ... m#p1084433

The Dark Journalist trims much wool in this video, and his whole X-Series is most excellent. 8-)

A number fifty-seven anomaly extraordinaire. 🔥

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Re: Just joking
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 6#p2851196
Imwashingmypirate wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:12 pm

Moroni ate the number 8?
The eighth letter was missing and Moroni’s Instrument ate it i.e. fell on the roof. 8-)

As per the link is me profile and the meaty link in me signature. 🥩

Christ, but not Crist is the ultimate word tuple. 🐳

Can anyone name the GA who mentioned timing three times in hist first GC address, as one of the fab 15. :?:

That was before 2010, when the seventh seal opened. :idea:

Common sense, but not self-evident. :mrgreen:

At least he said something. :lol:

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Re: M. Russell Ballard Dies
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 0#p2851220
Kishkumen wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:15 pm
I Have Questions wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:10 pm I wonder who will replace him?

- maybe a first black African apostle (only 45 years after the racist priesthood ban was lifted)
- maybe a first female Apostle?
- maybe an openly gay/single Apostle?
- maybe an Apostle under the age of 40?
- or maybe just another something/American over 60 who’s fully demonstrated an ability to be a Yes man
At this point we could use someone who is honest replacing him. That would certainly improve the honesty quotient of the group.
If they were 100% honestly engaged with the truth, they would disband immediately.

It will be interesting to see interactions with the Davidic Servant play out.

So far, no official acknowledgment of the 5.7 and subsequent earthquakes.

Things likely step up significantly upon cessation of the silence in heaven.

That happens 2025-2040, based on 2010 opening of the seventh seal.

Buckle up, the wild ride has only just begun.

Post #507. 8-)

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

Re: Just joking
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2851251
Imwashingmypirate wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:16 am
High Spy wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:48 am

The eighth letter was missing and Moroni’s Instrument ate it i.e. fell on the roof. 8-)

As per the link is me profile and the meaty link in me signature. 🥩

Christ, but not Crist is the ultimate word tuple. 🐳

Can anyone name the GA who mentioned timing three times, in his first GC address, as one of the fab 15. :?:

That was before 2010, when the seventh seal opened. :idea:

Common sense, but not self-evident. :mrgreen:

At least he said something. :lol:
That trumpet represents declaring the Gospel to the World.
Wouldn't the trumpet being rent from Mormonism hand be symbolic in the sense that the gospel being declared is falling away or being torn from?

How does H and 8 relate to the trumpet?

Looking at your links, your writing is more coherent in 2010 than it is now... Is there a reason for that?

I'm not judging, just trying to understand.

The wickerman reads as slightly aggressive at times and very aware of what he is saying. You don't read aggressive at all. You read as someone who has been led down a path and are sounding naïve a little. You truly believe. I believe in number magic and messages, but they need a more definitive link.
H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. Both miraculous patterns are shown at march8miracle.org.

Searching LDSFF and viewing Outer Darkness there, is key to understanding things. Are you able to do that?

The 5.7 magnitude quake was an emblematic number fifty-seven anomaly, and matches with Wicker man’s revelation that the Angel Moroni is a phony and a fraud.

The second 6.5 shook my son and daughter on his birthday in Idaho, which is why spy compares his experience with that of The Woman at the Well.

Actually, spy has a scientific mindset and is majorly skeptical of such things, but lost his ability to call foul, due to the mountains of evidence.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

Re: If plates then God
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 7#p2851337
Marcus wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:45 pm
MG 2.0 wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:33 pm There’s a difference between being a good story teller…lots of people are…and hitting it out of the park in comparison with all of your peers:

No one else comes close. And remember his age…
Just so I understand this, your argument is that the more words one speaks at a younger age, the better story teller one is? Please explain your reasons for making this statement.

(Keep in mind I currently have a precocious two year old nephew whose continuous babbling between naps has long since surpassed Smith's achievement. And his doting parents have videos of every moment, so I'm happy to double check the word count, if you need proof.)

Side question: In what way do you consider Joseph Smith to be a peer of Homer, Virgil, and the author of Beowolf, among others?
More words in this context clearly means exhibiting a larger vocabulary, not a plethora of incoherent babbling. :?

Can you use the word “duh” in a complete sentence. :?:

Then you are more capable than someone who doesn’t no “duh”. :lol:

In today’s hyper language, more words may mean things like [UrL]. 8-)

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High Spy
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Re: Netflix
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 1#p2851341
Res Ipsa wrote: Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:32 pm
Xenophon wrote: Wed Sep 08, 2021 2:32 pm Speaking for myself I read, listen to podcasts, work in our garden, and hike to fill most of my free time. We also have a hard rule in the house that the TV stays off until we all have had a chance to talk about our day, generally while we prepare and eat dinner. We committed a few years ago to consuming less television and honestly it was the right call for us.
If you replace "work in our garden" with "board gaming," we'd be twins. :mrgreen:
Me too, card games too, or building stuff in the wood shop. Currently my TV is in another state, and I’m looking forward to watching clips of God Friended Me where PTP (Princess Type Person) Francesca Ling plays Parker. Dr. Shades name anomaly portraying a friend similar to how the Davidic Servants Patriarchal Blessing speaks of him as being Jesus’ friend. To properly investigate said stuff, it will be best to equip oneself with search capabilities at Ldsfreedomforum.com.

Spellcheck, but not Spelunking. :mrgreen: 🐳

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 0#p2851440
Flemming wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:03 am What is the first photo on march8miracle showing? I don’t get it. Looks like a building at dusk?
https://march8miracle.org/ wrote:
OKC Memorial =~ Image

The photo above was taken at the Oklahoma City Memorial on March 8, 2002. The purpose of it was not known until many years later, although due to previous experiences, 2010 was understood to be the conclusion of an amazing timing pattern:

3 = C = Month
8 = H = Day
18 = R = Hour
9 = I = Minute
19 = S = Second
20 = T = Century
10 = J = Year as the message’s conclusion.

In 2019 messages began to appear on …
TSM talks about the memorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGxnZx-e49Y

Any DM members visited there. :?:

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High Spy
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Re: Thanks for the conversations
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 4#p2851484
Shulem wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:15 am
MG 2.0 wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:23 pm It’s nice to have a forum where you can speak freely.

You picked your poison and chose to operate in the realms of the Terrestrial forum.

You do know that the Celestial forum is active and available.
Spy MT (MEGATHREAD) began in the Celestial Forum. Then Marcus posted that spy celebrated many deaths caused by a geometric progression of earthquakes, but didn’t substantiate even a single death to have occurred. Yet said MT remains removed from the celestial realm. David, Samson and Captain Moroni caused many deaths, and the bom opening scene depicts Laban being murdered. In the video at the meaty link in spy’s signature, Ace Theo relates that Paul means pause, and our current Administration of Grace is expected to end. This means we hope for Old Testament methodologies to return going forward. Terrestrial will eventually fit our sad situation, as the Davidic Servant does, what the Davidic Servant is going to do.

Spy rhymes with I and My, so makes for an excellent pronoun inasmuch as those are self selectable. Self-use of lowercase is, is one way to demonstrate humility, which is preferable to repeated use of uppercase eye.

Spy oao (over-and-out)

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High Spy
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Re: From “Thanks for the conversations.”
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 4#p2851504
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:37 am
Marcus wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:55 amI have no power to move threads, but I still do think your use of disasters-- with their attendant human suffering and loss--- to triumphantly celebrate your strained assumptions of coincidental timing is inappropriate as a Celestial topic.
He’s an egotist with ‘dropped on his head’ syndrome.

- Doc
True that, the Law of Moses was far from Celestial in nature, yet God favored David, Samson, Captain Moroni and Nephi, in what us mere mortals deem inappropriate behavior. Then there’s Noah’s Flood and it’s stated relation to future times, that are now present case, especially when About the Space of a Half Hour of Silence in Heaven, expires in 2 to 17 years. Sodom and Gomorrah is another of many examples, of God’s Wrath poured forth by Davidic type servants.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

Re: Thanks for the conversations
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 5#p2851505
huckelberry wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:50 am
High Spy wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:45 am
Sorry, there is no confusion on my part.

Spy thinks you didn’t watch: https://youtu.be/MuNtOeof3tE?t=227

Rather, you throw out unsubstantiated accusations without giving it a second thought. :?
Spy, a watched your link, some pieces of fairly standard Calvinist colored dispensational thinking. I have thought about that before but did not know if that had any connection to your comments as you hold your thoughts pretty close to your chest.

I do not think grace is ending.
https://davidtay81.wordpress.com/2015/05/23/atoning-animal-sacrifices-in-ezekiels-temple/ wrote:
The Apostle Paul performed animal sacrifices

The Apostle Paul clearly understood that the Mosaic sacrifices was complementary to the cross for he had no issues offering animal sacrifices in the Herodian Temple even after the death and resurrection of Christ.

In Acts 18, Paul took a vow. A vow (Lev 22, Num 15) is to be completed with an animal sacrifice (a peace offering and soothing aroma to God). In Acts 21:24-26, Paul completed this vow with a sacrifice, and also condoned the sacrifices of those who accompanied him (very likely, those fulfilling a Nazarite vow for we are told they were required to shave their heads.) The Nazarite vow is always concluded with animal sacrifices. Num 6:13-21 tells us what the Nazarite vow requires. It required the offering of both the sin offering and burnt offering (v.16), peace offering, meat and drink offering, as well as a wave offering. So if Acts 21 is referring to a Nazarite vow with the shaving of heads, Paul would have certainly offered both the sin and burnt offerings. Paul could not have performed all the requirements required to fulfill the vows, by leaving out the parts requiring animal sacrifices.
Spy found it interesting that Paul is the one cited in this blog post about the return of animal sacrifice. Sorry, spy isn’t graced with special understanding of the scriptures, like TWM (The Wicker Man) who cooperates with The Spirt of Truth to do and say things, like past people written about in the bible, etc.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 4#p2851514
Marcus wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:12 pm
High Spy wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:07 am David, Samson and Captain Moroni caused many deaths, and the Book of Mormon opening scene depicts Laban being murdered. In the video at the meaty link in spy’s signature, Ace Theo relates that Paul means pause, and our current Administration of Grace is expected to end. This means we hope for Old Testament methodologies to return going forward.
High Spy wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:31 pm True that, the Law of Moses was far from Celestial in nature, yet God favored David, Samson, Captain Moroni and Nephi, in what us mere mortals deem inappropriate behavior. Then there’s Noah’s Flood and it’s stated relation to future times, that are now present case, especially when About the Space of a Half Hour of Silence in Heaven, expires in 2 to 17 years. Sodom and Gomorrah is another of many examples, of God’s Wrath poured forth by Davidic type servants.
[bolding added]
You've been talking about violence and retribution lately, which you seem to define as being biblically justified. What's up with that?
https://bibletalk.tv/what-is-hope wrote: When the Bible mentions hope, however, it is talking about something that is one hundred percent sure! The Bible uses the term hope when it refers to something that is not yet present or visible but is certain to take place.
Spy is indeed 100% confident that God’s words will be fulfilled. This doesn’t mean spy wishes that harm befalls anyone. Spy’s purpose is to show that the timing of the 5.7 earthquake was in the name of Crist, which is the only name under heaven that evil must flee.

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

Re: Who is the Davidic Servant?
https://utahpatriots.org/forum/viewtopi ... 2895#p2895


Another low resolution photo, this time due to poor lighting. It’s 507x380 pixels on my iPhone. That aspect ratio makes sense on my iPad, but not on my iPhone. imgBB quit splitting my file names, which makes me happy. The 360 is the primary link. The number of degrees in a circle determines the number of degrees in one radian. Fusion360 was once thought crucial to achieving a successful outcome. Now success looks likely with needing it at this time. Anyway, Wife and Spy recently arrived back at our eclipse abode. Luckily there was a single cube shaped pill in the bottle.

Search MakerBee at the link spy posted above, to see a crazy timing connection with Mike’s uniquely shaped birthmark. 4 MakerBees posts were posted on 4 separate boards, so the reveal tampering by any single forum administrator.

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High Spy
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Re: Selling Hydrocarbons
https://ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopic.p ... 6#p1442886
BeNotDeceived wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:31 am
Atrasado wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:14 am It's quite the coincidence that the architect of the Petrodollar, Henry Kissinger, died just as his creation is coming unraveled. He was perhaps the world's greatest warmonger, but I'm sure he had done redeeming qualities.
Work is of real value, and a barrel of oil is one unit of (Work == energy for an interval of time). KWHrs is another. Jimmy Carter proposed OTEC as the answer to OPEC’s Embargo, but we went the other way. JC will soon too pass to the other side and the Silence in Heaven may end as soon as 2025. Posts similar to: https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 9#p2847502, were posted here and on two other phpBB type forum boards too. The Timekeeper =~ oao

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High Spy
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Post by High Spy »

never ending list
https://discussmormonism.com/viewtopic. ... 3#p2852193
Marcus wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:00 pm
The storyteller provides details...
Yeah OK, this thread seems mildly coincidental, with a Table Topics thing for those familiar.

The question being posed was a list of three famous people, which would you prefer to meet

1) some foreign female politician … iddy amean or something like that.

2) author of wizard school book

3) Garth Brooks

The meeting was at Francis Tuttle on Rockwell, and my current residence then, just happened to be Garth’s home town.

My answer was, spy had met Garth when he was on his first national tour. My friends and I had ended up at a little place on 21st South and 3rd West in SLC, IIRC. Not sure how my friends began talking to him, but he gave each of us an autographed picture, and they shot a round of pool with him.

Maybe the Toastmasters question was why I’d met him.

The Davidic Servant posted about his Israel shaped birthmark and there seemed no connection, until spy posted his MakerBee post a few weeks ago where the number 384 stood out. Many times these things happen as signs seen by a true believer. Saying BUCKLE UP at the time is now recognized as an example of what a legit timekeeper would do. So it goes …

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